I want to share a little joy with you today. Seedlings bring me so much joy and here’s my latest joy growing in my little greenhouse. The above are heirloom tomato seedlings called German Giant. I grew these last year and boy do they live up to their name! I just love the little hairs glowing in the sunlight.
I didn’t grow the 400+ heirloom seedlings this year that I usually do and then sell because I’m spending more time with my art and I have an art show the first weekend in May called Arts in Harmony. I’m busy painting for it now.Here is a sunflower reaching for the sun. 🙂
Although a little crowded, these Cosmos and Zinnia seedlings are vying for the florescent lights. I’ll be repotting them soon. Zinnia’s always remind me of my mother so I grow them all around my gardens and cosmos are just so happy.
I’m attempting to join in a “30 Days of Blogging” with my friend Anne over at My Giant Strawberry. Her challenge (but we’re trying not to call it that) is named “30 Days of Love and Joy”. The point is to keep up with the blog everyday for 30 days and falling back in love with blogging. I’m counting this as day 3 and I’m calling mine “30 days in my life”. I’m going to follow Anne’s lead by sometimes just posting a photo somedays and more elaborate posts others. It will be random thoughts and ideas. I will share what is going on in my world daily, kinda like a day in the life sort of thing. I hope you come back and share it with me.
love your little baby seedlings…
tomatoes and flowers…
painting and an art show….
what could be better than that?
not much better Lisa! Maybe in a tropical setting with a pina colata in hand too… haha xx