I can’t believe almost a week has passed now. Our very first Spring Pop Up Gallery was last Thursday. It was a great success! Let me tell you all about it.

People looking at artwork set up in a pop up gallery at Noco Park and talking to the artist, Jaime Haney.

First of all, it was a Thursday early evening that we had it, only from 5-7 pm. We picked that time out thinking that it wouldn’t cut into people’s weekend plans. But you never know how well things will be attended. Lori, Vicki and I were so happy with the turn out though. So many of our collectors and friends showed up to support us.

It was supposed to storm that day. Like really storm hard. However, we were so fortunate that it held off the entire day. It was overcast, but warm. We were a little too warm as we rushed around getting the location (Noco Park) set up. But it was all good.

This location at Noco Park was nice, it was centrally located and had parking which is great. However, there wasn’t a hanging system to hang art. That wasn’t ideal. So we came up with placing all of our larger paintings on chairs and lined the walls with them. We also used the tables. Surprisingly, we filled up the main room.

Time was tight. We had only an hour to set up and an hour to tear it down and leave it like it looked when we got there which meant moving all the tables and chairs back into their original spot.

Artist Vicki Wilson talking with art collectors during the Spring Pop Up Art Gallery at Noco Park.

We each sold a lot of art! I was excited to sell several original paintings, one of which I had taken off my wall! It was a favorite, Garden Path Portal. I finally finished last summer. (See it’s humble beginnings here.) I’m so happy though that it found wonderful collectors to enjoy it. The new owners, Michael and Joe, are gardeners too so it really spoke to them and that made me so happy. I do have prints and note cards available of this lovely painting.

a painting of a mysterious garden stone path leading to a magical dark portal covered in pink roses. Misty fog blowing in the background.

It was fun to see my collectors come up to me and show me what they had bought from my friends. This was a perfect way for us to share new and different art to our collectors. If we (Lori, Vicki and myself) weren’t such good friends, I can see how this could turn into a competition. But it wasn’t that way at all. We’re all genuinely happy for one another when we make a sale.

Not all artists can say that. It feels so good to know you’ve got good friends that have got your back. We learn from each other and boost each other up all of the time. We’re our own community and I feel so grateful to have them in my life.

As part of the Pop Up, we had a Winner Takes All door prize. It was so much fun! We simply asked for anyone wishing to enter, to leave their name, phone and email on a paper and drop it in the fishbowl. The winner got over $100 worth of original art! I delivered it yesterday. Now that was fun, she was so excited.

Below shows us just about to draw the name. Left to right is me (Jaime Haney), Vicki Wilson and Lori Rivera.

drawing the winner for our winner takes all door prize during the pop up art gallery at Noco Park.

So the pop up went so well that we’re already making plans for our next one. It’s looking like September. If you’d like to get on the list to be notified while getting studio updates from me then just sign up here and if you message me your mailing address (if you’re local) then I’ll snail mail you a personal invitation.

⬅︎ Robin painting class went well / Learning new tricks ➡︎

plant paintings for sale online

Learn more about me on the ‘About’ page under the additional links menu. I’m an artist – a painter mostly and an avid gardener. I paint a variety of subjects including birds, koi fish, my gardens, ponds and flowers as well as anything having to do with nature especially trees and tropical scenes. I also enjoy painting abstracts and have started created more and more of them. My most favorite thing to try to achieve in my painting is is mystery and telling mystical stories.

If you would like to keep up with what I’m doing, I have a newsletter e-mailed about once a month that gives you special status for invitations, birthday greeting and more. I’d love for you to add your email to my Friends and Collectors list!

Spring Pop Up art gallery at Noco Park went great blog post pin for Pinterest.

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