Come see how my Studio Gardens get an upgrade! As you all may know, I’m a self professed plant freak. I have a greenhouse attached to my art studio filled with plants that I bring in from outside each fall. I have a wonderful view into said greenhouse to lushness and green during the colder winter months and that is such a lifesaver for me as well as inspiration for my artwork. As soon as we turned the basement into my art studio and added the new windows out into our backyard, koi pond and lake, I knew I wanted to have a new garden to relax in, in-between paintings of course, and draw inspiration from. My newest muse, “Studio Gardens”, was born.
Last summer with my husbands newest passion of riding with our son on their 4 wheelers and buggy, my muse was put on the back burner. (see pics below) Even though we had already purchased pavers for the area when we moved our koi pond and made it bigger, they too were put on hold. I had to drag stuff around in the dirt under the deck by myself and managed to move a swing and table with chairs and arranged pots of plants from the greenhouse all around. It was okay, but not what I envisioned. It did however serve as a little place to get away and enjoy the sound of the water from the koi pond, and see my fish which are one of my most favorite things. There I am last summer (2013) with my feet up and Zoey, the studio dog, watching the koi.
But this year, when my husband asked what I wanted for Mother’s Day I said you can wrap up two presents in one – Mother’s Day and my birthday if we lay the pavers down in my area under the deck (My Studio Gardens). He wilted a little but agreed. So it was on! I was so excited. Below are the pictures I took when not so exhausted from digging and lifting.
Here’s the before photo I took as I began to move everything out from under the deck. It hadn’t been touched since last summer. Most all of the photos you’ll see next were taken 4/26/14.
Next is showing it all cleared out and we’ve started to pull up the few flagstones that were there and level the area as best possible with shovels (not ideal as you’ll see)
The next few photos show the area from different spots. Still no pavers down but you get an idea of the space.
First is the view from the other side of my koi pond looking at my art studio windows and soon to be relaxing space 🙂
Then I just panned over to the right to show the greenhouse.
View from relaxing spot out to lake and koi pond ❤
Another view to the right, never mind the junk piled up at the end of the koi pond. That’s where I piled everything up that was under the deck.
Here we’ve laid half of the pavers down! But then it started to storm, so we had to put a tarp over the area that was dirt so it wouldn’t be mud. We continued the next day and finished with the last of the pavers. So now, I have to buy as many pavers as we had because this only got half of the job done. Jeesh. More money.
Below is just a view of it from across the koi pond because I was so ecstatic with it coming together I was snapping all kinds of pictures. You can really notice it’s not level from these two pictures, oh well. At least it’s better than walking on dirt like last year and pulling weeds up so I could sit on my swing without them tickling my butt.
Finally, here’s how it ended after I drug out most of my greenhouse plants. I didn’t have the big ones out yet, I needed help for those. This photo was taken 5/11/14
It looks even better now, but it’s still not finished. I have a lot of planting to do but it will take place over time. I have changed my old Heirloom Tomatoes Facebook page to my Studio Gardens page now, if you’d like to take a look at even more plants and flowers that I grow. I’d love to have you come and give me a like, comment, chat and/or leave me a message! The link and page name is Jaime’sGardens – An Artist’s Gardens
Thanks for looking, I’ll be posting more. I haven’t given up my paint brushes for a shovel, but this time of year is very busy. I’ll be painting again very soon!
I love your new patio and garden! how awesome is that! Thats me I love plants gardens art – its all creative! Congrats to you!
Thank you Terri! I just love it, too. You’re right, I think there is a real art to gardening. Thanks for stopping by and commenting 🙂
oh J, it looks wonderful 🙂 What a sweet Hubby 🙂 I know how much work that can all take but the joy once done is so worth it 🙂
Have a wonderful week, cheers, T.:)
You’re so right T, everything that is worth having though is work. That just makes it sweeter though, knowing that you did it. He really is sweet and will pretty much make me whatever I want if possible (within reason!) haha!
It looks just wonderful!
Thanks Gail! It’s a labor of love 🙂