by JaimeB Haney | around my house, Life with pets, property pictures, snow, winter, Zoey
We’ve thawed out after having the coldest temperatures in ten years here in my neck of the woods and we’ve dug out of the snowstorm we had as well. Brutal cold temps around the holidays led to a snowstorm and then bam another snowstorm right after it....
by Jaime Haney | birthday, family, life
This picture of Asher, my birthday boy, in a blur is pretty much how his 8 years have been. It’s also a pretty accurate picture of how he usually is… busy! Unless he’s playing video games that is. My wonderful, lovable, smart, funny, crazy kid turned...
by Jaime Haney | art show, sick, Uncategorized
You know how when you’re anticipating something really big and then it goes by so quickly and your left with just memories? Almost a let down that it’s over. Well I’m kinda experiencing that right now, a post show blues after the art show. Not that...