by JaimeB Haney | 2015, 2015 art shows, art show, artist friends, friends, New Harmony Indiana, other people's art, sales
Christmas in New Harmony was two weeks ago. What a fantastic show! Traffic was great, people were having fun and the weather couldn’t be better! I have been crazy busy since and am running behind on everything it seems now, including posting about this great...
by JaimeB Haney | 2014, 2014 art shows, art show, artist friends, arts and crafts show, holidays, local, New Harmony Indiana
Last weekend I had my last art show of the year, Christmas in New Harmony. It is held the first weekend of every year. Last year I wasn’t able to make it because of a snow and ice storm. So it was nice to have decent weather this year for the show. Friday night...
by Jaime Haney | art, art show, Christmas, festivals, New Harmony Indiana
I wanted to make sure you all know you’re invited to Christmas in New Harmony! So if you’re within driving distance, please come! There is so much to do besides seeing my art, which of course I hope you do! Even if you’re not anywhere around me,...
by Jaime Haney | art show, sick, Uncategorized
You know how when you’re anticipating something really big and then it goes by so quickly and your left with just memories? Almost a let down that it’s over. Well I’m kinda experiencing that right now, a post show blues after the art show. Not that...
by Jaime Haney | art show, art work, family, holidays, New Harmony Indiana, painting, Thanksgiving, Uncategorized, work in progress
So I’ve been uber busy this last week. I’ve got a local show this weekend called Christmas in New Harmony. If you’re looking for an Old Fashioned Christmas experience weekend, this is the place to be. Read on 🙂 New Harmony is a serene and quaint...