by Jaime Haney | 30 days in my life, A day in the life, blogging, dealing, death, deep thoughts, Grandma, memories, mom, moments, Mother, remember
So today is day 5 of my 30 Days in my life bloggin thingy. It’s Saturday and I’m a little melancholy today. I went to my cut my grandmother’s hair. She is 96 and doesn’t remember me at this point and I can’t help but wonder why some...
by Jaime Haney | fall tree painting, family, giveaway, Grandma, Uncategorized
Today I feel like a free woman! I have for the last week been in what I call internet jail. The place where I am at the very end of my data package and if I go over, the internet company will charge me out the wazoo for a few days of crusin’ the net by adding on...