My booth at Spring Fling
This past weekend I had my first show of the year called Spring Fling. It was held in the little quaint town I live just outside of called New Harmony. These are my post show notes or musing if you will.
I was unsure about this show because it wasn’t an art show, it was a mish mash of everything. They guy next to me (whom I think I’ve made a new friend for life, haha) David, was selling Pink Zebra which is scented soy candle sprinkles and lotions. I had to buy one, they just smelled divine. I picked out garden lilac. With spring here now, it is just heavenly. We just laughed and chatted the whole weekend. His sister showed up on Sunday and all three of us hoo haa’d and carried on.
There was also antiques, jewelry, homemade snacks like fudge, divinity, pork rinds (I know – ew. But I tasted David’s and they were delish!) Oh and Herbie, the 81 cowboy hat wearing flirty guy that asked me out! He had made the best pecan pies and gave me a slice to try. I gave him a pecan brittle recipe that I got from a friend. Herbie was hoot. Spring Fling had just all kinds of fun items all made with love with a mix of retail type items like the Pink Zebra.
It was just a fantastic show. I met the most interesting people, I know I’ve made many new friends. There were a few friends I knew there, like Amelia with the baby and pet slings you wear and Denise that makes a variety of things like origami and mixed media pieces but her best items are her painted gourds. She also had vintage Japanese kimono’s she was selling. I’m growing some tomatoes and other things for her so we traded. What do you think? I just loved this one, even though it doesn’t fit me very well.

not my best photo haha, I think I kept asking her did you get it? meaning the photo.

cute, huh? I love it
I also sold some art. I sold many prints and 2 originals (below). I have prints of the originals available in my store.

SOLD! Poppy Love – acrylic on mini canvas

SOLD! All Ablaze II
I took just one new piece of art, my now framed Black Bat Flower painting titled “Show Off”.
I’ll be offering this on my website along with prints very soon. I love this matted and framed. It’s an 11×14 (frame). The artwork is approximately 5×7.
I wasn’t able to get my newest painting quite finished for this show. That’s the one I haven’t even shared on this blog yet, but I will this week. Asher (my son) is on Spring Break so things will be more relaxed, I hope!
Happy Spring and have a great week! Come back soon, or better yet sign up to get my blog posts delivered via email. You can always unsubscribe whenever you want.
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Check out some of my paintings. I sell originals, prints and notecards. Click on the strip below to see more. Thanks for visiting! I’d love it if you’d leave me a comment.
Congrats on the sales J. 🙂 And the kimono looks lovely 🙂 Happy Monday, cheers, T. 🙂
Thanks T! I love my kimono. Happy Monday to you too!
i have the feeling that
anyone you meet would be a friend…
you just have that sunshiny-ness ☼
trades and sales
and tastings…
seems like a fun way to begin spring!
♥ ♥ ♥
OH Lisa, you have the best comments 🙂 Thank you so much my friend. You’re right, I really never meet a stranger. I had a great beginning for spring!