Time really does go by so fast. It’s a good thing I constantly have my phone with a camera with me or I’d probably forget most everything that happens. Paintings for instance, I paint them, photograph the process, present them to my collectors list and social media as available and then move on to the next.
There’s so much more minute tasks though that must be accomplished besides all of the above. Us artists are a busy bunch nowadays trying to keep up with it all when in reality most of us just want to paint. However, we don’t live in a vacuum and in order to succeed financially, we must show and sell the art we create.
I’m not sure where this all came from, I really just wanted to talk about a painting I created. A friend and collector of mine purchased Cautiously Looking Forward back in December of 2021. Well life happens as it does and it took a while for her to frame it, more than a year, but she did get it framed and shared it with me. It turned out magnificent! Framing a piece just elevates the art to another level sometimes. Even if it doesn’t need to be framed – like if it were painting on a thick canvas – framing can help one achieve a certain look they’re going for in the space where the painting will be displayed.
Below is the finished painting. Isn’t she lovely all framed up?!
Oh, I remember now why I started off as I did, it was because when I went to share this painting framed on my blog I discovered I had neglected to even share the process of painting it here on my blog. Thank goodness I take a lot of video and photos. I did find a post about all of the paintings in this collection being on exhibit and you can see that here. They look very nice all together.
My collectors beautiful home with my painting front and center! (below)
It all goes back to systems and processes. I need to have a better system in place instead of running around like a chicken with its head cut off, which is quite often my regular condition. Ick. I hate being so disorganized.
A friend once told me that chaos is the natural order of the universe. Or something similar. Well, I guess I’m in good company then. I know what it is. I need about two or three of me. There’s just not enough of me to get all the things done that need doing.
Anyway, let me try and remember the process of this painting. Hours, days and years seem to blur but it’s coming back to me. Sometimes, I even remember certain strokes of paint from paintings created years ago, yet not what I ate yesterday.
Okay, found this picture. Yikes, the first under painting. Things can always look iffy here. But there’s a method to the madness.
In the case of this painting “Cautiously Looking Forward”, I had more video of me painting it than I do of photographs. So I screenshot a couple of these to show you the painting in progress.
Below is the addition of the blue eggs.
Obviously, this original painting isn’t available any longer but I have had reproductions and note cards made. Below is the note card set with three of the spring trees from this collection called “Delights of Spring”.
As of this writing, I do not have prints or note cards listed in my shop but they are available. So if you’re interested in them, just contact me and I will arrange purchase for you. Note cards come in sets of 6 and are $20 plus tax and shipping and the reproductions are various sizes and prices. As soon as I get them listed, I’ll have a link right here if you’d rather not chat with me personally. 😉 but where’s the fun in that?
←New baby koi fish for Studio Gardens / Red geraniums painting process ⟶
A few paintings I’ve created
Learn more about me on the ‘About’ page under the additional links menu. I’m an artist – a painter mostly and an avid gardener. I paint a variety of subjects including birds, koi fish, my gardens, ponds and flowers as well as anything having to do with nature especially trees and tropical scenes. I also enjoy painting abstracts and have started created more and more of them. My most favorite thing to try to achieve in my painting is is mystery and telling mystical stories.
If you would like to keep up with what I’m doing, I have a newsletter called Visual Stories that’s e-mailed two to three times a month that gives you special status. Subscribers often get first dibs at new paintings, invitations to events, birthday greetings and more. I’d love for you to add your email to my Friends and Collectors list!