actually pretty heavy, picked up from JCPenny catalog pickup

Not too much in the way of words today, but if you all could see the great big smile on my face you wouldn’t need to hear anything (or read). My mom would be so proud, ha ha. She would love these curtains, too. So here are a few pics I took this morning. I picked up the curtains last Wednesday so I’ve had to wait all this time to have them up! But I am so thrilled with the final outcome. Just come and look 🙂

I had to get one out and look at it.

I am so happy with this fabric. It is so pretty. I don’t think I could’ve recreated this, not even close.

so cute!

They pick up on all the black elements I have in the kitchen and just looks so much more cozier.

I love them with my mother’s copper she gave me

In other news, Asher is doing just great. We have a follow up appointment on Wednesday and his eye almost looks as though nothing happened. He still has some minor bruising but it has not hurt him in the least and he has been very good about letting me put in the ointment to help it heal fast. Click here to see what I’m talking about, if you don’t know.

Playing his Mobigo game

The kittens are growing so fast! I’ll post some super cute pictures soon and I also have a Cherry Cheesecake recipe I want to share. It is soooo yummy. See ya soon!
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